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Fateful weddings "Wedding-VIP"

We create unique wedding events around the world since 2004

12 representatives in major European and Russian capitals

Our weddings are deservedly awarded with the highest awards at international competitions

The most talented, qualified specialists of the CIS are working in our team

Our work is best explained through our weddings themselves

Magic World

Adel and Aigul met at school, they studied in parallel classes. Mutual feeling arose in preparation for the graduation party ... And then, like in the movie - a romantic evening, huge bouquets of roses and a confession made at the Eiffel Tower ....

"Paris, beautiful music, sparkling wine, fruit, crunchy baguette and insanely beautiful ring on his right hand, a gift from beloved one..."

Adel and Aigul approached to the preparation of their wedding celebration very responsibly, half a year before the event.

View the embedded image gallery online at:

In the questionnaire that bride filled, in the column: "Wishes about style and the contents of the video Love Story", she wrote: "I would like the film to be romantic and at the same time you can add humor. There should be a French theme present, the theme of Cirque du Soleil, a fairy tale, but at the same time tied to the modern time ... "

You have the opportunity to see and evaluate the result of the work on this project:

Here is what director of the film Oksana Kharitonova writes after the filming of the project: "... Both are really afraid of heights. And they did it for each other!"

When creating this movie the real wonders were taking place:) "Magic Hours", the music for it was kindly gifted to me in Italy by the extremely talented composer Evgeny Khmara: "...But the most important magic was - the people. They inspired, created and helped ... And most importantly thanks to guys' friends, for their courage, support and commitment to any ideas:) Thanks to everyone who lit us that night :)) Aigul and Adel!! Good luck!!"

As usual, posters in retro style were created to advertise the movie, which became the basis of decor of the meeting area at the celebration. Counter area itself was also created in the style of a circus with circus artists meeting guests.

Participants and creators of the film were very excited waiting for the premiere. (For the convenience for the guests, a large LED screen has been put up). The audience empathized heroes of the film and admired their courage and talent!

Here is how romantic story that took its start at the preparation for the graduation continued!